Through 10,000 Stories we are engaging with Herefordshire’s communities to hear their views about the county. We’re asking them, what works well in Herefordshire, what one thing they would change and why. 

Their views, opinions and stories will help shape change for communities and individuals, bringing about both social mobilisation and action with the help of the newly emerging Citizens Alliance Herefordshire.

We are delighted to be working with an organisation called Citizens UK and they are helping us to build a Citizens Alliance and carry out community organising across the county. Citizens UK is the UK’s biggest, most diverse, and most effective people-powered alliance. Bringing together everyday people and local organisations to build a better, fairer society.

Working in partnership with Herefordshire Wildlife Trust we are encouraging businesses, community and faith groups and individuals to have their say about Herefordshire via our online survey.


Post boxes have also been placed in various locations across Herefordshire with postcards to give people an alternative way of communicating their opinions to us.

How You Can Get Involved

You can raise awareness of 10,000 Stories by:

a) Sharing our social media messages with your followers, supporters, staff and volunteers or create your own.

b) Have a 10,000 Stories post box and postcards in your location.

c) Join us at our 'Chatty Van' events and get involved with engaging the public.

On this page you’ll find a range of assets including images and videos, suggested social media posts and an article for you and your organisation to share.

Downloadable Social Assets

Please use the links below to download 10,000 Stories assets. To access please click on the link below, when image is open in your browser click the download arrow on your toolbar or right click 'Save As' and save to a destination of your choice.

A5 Leaflet

10,000 Stories A5 Leaflet


Social Media Images for use on Facebook or Instagram

10,000 Stories Promo Image 1

10,000 Stories Promo Image 2

10,000 Stories Promo Image 3

10,000 Stories Promo Image 4

10,000 Stories Promo Image 5

10,000 Stories Promo Image 6

10,000 Postcard Image

Email signature


Video/Animated Graphics for use on socials or website

10,000 Stories Post Box 1

10,000 Stories Post Box 2

10,000 Stories Post Box 3

10,000 Stories Promo Video 1

10,000 Stories Promo Video 2

10,000 Stories Promo Video 3

10,000 Stories Promo Video 4


10,000 Stories Information & Background

Healthwatch Herefordshire article about 10,000 Stories

QR Code

QR Code image

Suggested Social Media Posts

Tell us what you think about Herefordshire!

What works well?
What would you change? and Why?

Feedback online here


You'll find our post boxes appearing in locations across the county, so do pick up a postcard and let us know your opinion on Herefordshire. We would love to hear from you.
Prefer to tell us online? Click the link here
It's time to have your say about Herefordshire, we want to know what works well, what you would change and why! 

Feedback online here


Love Herefordshire but would like to see some changes? Give us your opinion and views on what would improve it for you, your family and your community.

Feedback online here


Suggested Hashtags

#community #herefordshire #stories #socialaction #opinion #haveyoursay #10000Stories #Stories