Homeless Hot Food Hub Opens to public fanfare

An amazing community effort to open a hot food hub for the homeless in Herefordshire has been achieved.

A new café for the homeless opened on Saturday 4th January. Lee's Place is a hot food hub and the place where people can enjoy a hot meal, warmth and the company of others. Open each evening between 6-8pm the café is located in the old Hawkins Bizarre shop in Maylord Orchard shopping centre. This wonderful and welcoming community space is 100% voluntary and run by amazing volunteers with food sourced from donations. 

Christine Price, Chief Officer of Healthwatch Herefordshire and chair of the Herefordshire Homeless forum reported that individuals, charities and businesses had pulled together to ensure that the homeless community have a venue to get a hot meal and a warm during the winter months.

She said, "There is no provision in the city to provide a hot meal for people living on the streets and as we face the harsh winter months, this couldn't be more important. Cold weather kills people and even the smallest glimmer of warmth and hope can go a long way. The intention is that the café will be open until May 2025 and with the very generous support of the public and businesses we hope to help as many people as possible."

Businesses who are interested in donating hot meals to the café in the evenings should contact the team to make arrangements and anyone interested in volunteering at the hub should do the same.

The public has been asked for donations of tinned soup and men's joggers at this time, which can be dropped off at the café during opening hours.

Please message the team with any enquiries or offers of support via their Facebook page.

You can find Lee's Place on Facebook here.

View the Amazon wish list here.

View the GoFundMe page here.