Healthwatch Launches 10,000 Stories to get the county chatting

Healthwatch will be celebrating co-production week with the public by holding a series of events in Herefordshire, culminating in the exciting launch of 10,000 Stories at lunchtime on Friday 5th July at The Oval, South Wye Hereford.

Healthwatch’s ‘Chatty Van’ will be in attendance giving out free ice-cream and inviting the public to share what they love about Herefordshire, what they would change and why.

One of a kind, the ‘Chatty Van’ is the first mobile Camerados ‘Public Living Room’ in Herefordshire and will travel across the county to engage with the public and record their stories. Stories which will help shape change for communities and individuals, bringing about both social mobilisation and action with the help of the newly emerging Citizens Alliance Herefordshire. An alliance of many different organisations from education, faith and community settings, offering everyone the platform to drive social change.

So come and join us for a chat, a cup of tea or an ice-cream to find out about 10,000 stories and how to get involved.