Muriel’s Story – A Welcome Approach to Volunteering

At Healthwatch Herefordshire our volunteers are the heartbeat of our mission to improve health and social care services for everyone in Herefordshire. Read volunteer Muriel's story and find out how she is making a difference in her role as a Wellness Watcher.

Our Wellness Watchers volunteers come from all walks of life and have a wonderful array of life experience and skills to share. Some have lots of time to give others less so but all are making a valued contribution and difference within their communities.

There really isn’t a magic formula to being a successful volunteer, but a passion to help people and give something back seems to be key motivators and top of the list. 

We spoke with Muriel, one of our treasured volunteers to ask her why she became a volunteer with Healthwatch Herefordshire and find out how she is getting on.

Muriel began her volunteer journey with us in March this year and has been primarily based in the Talk Wellbeing Hub in Hereford City. She is the friendly face that visitors see when they walk into the hub and her welcoming demeanour and helpful approach has contributed to a positive visitor experience.

I was very nervous to start with, the hub was a new venture at the time and there was a lot to learn, but I gradually fell into step and enjoyed being the first point of contact for visitors. When people come in, they're often not sure whether they're in the right place, so I talk to them and put them at ease.


Muriel acts as a guide for visitors, liaising with the Taurus Healthcare staff to confirm appointments or glean any information about any other services that they require.

As well as helping others, volunteering has been beneficial for Muriel too. She said, “I have been coming a couple of hours every week on a regular basis and it keeps me out of mischief!”  

What I enjoy specifically is actually talking to people, because when I retired I found living in the rural community where I have always lived, you don’t see as many people particularly post COVID. So to be able to get out and talk to people and greet them, I felt I was being useful to be honest. At my age I don't want a full or part time job, it’s too much for me, but to be able to come in here and feel I am doing something useful is well a bit of a mental boost for me I suppose.”

Muriel has found the hub to be a friendly place to volunteer and she has forged great relationships with the representatives from the partner organisations operating out of the hub too. “The staff were very good and they showed me all around the building and let me know how things worked here and who did what. So if anyone came in I knew who to send them to. For example if someone came in with mental health questions I’m able to say we have a person from MIND working here today and introduce them.”, she said.

Muriel continued, “I have learnt so much over the last six months and found out about many services and organisations that offer support to the public. We have lots of information leaflets in the hub and I now feel proficient enough to signpost visitors and give them the confidence to contact professionals who may be able to help them.”

Muriel has been one of our Wellness Watchers success stories and we are very proud of the contribution and difference she makes.

From talking to people about their experiences of health and social care, to writing reports, to updating our social media, volunteers are vital to our work. Whether you have a few hours to spare or are looking for a regular commitment, we've got a volunteering role to suit you. Take a look at the list of volunteering opportunities here, click through for detailed job roles and information.

Register on our volunteer app here and view a wide range of volunteer opportunities from Healthwatch and other partner organisations.

Join our growing team of Wellness Watchers.

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