Healthwatch engaged with communities to understand what community-based provision or activities do, or would, support them to manage their long-term health conditions and frailty (in particular Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, Heart Failure and Respiratory conditions).
An increase in feedback to Healthwatch Herefordshire about the realities of being a carer in Herefordshire led us to conduct some research into the lives of carers.
Hear Our Voices is a way for people with a learning disability and their supporters to get together in a relaxed environment. These events bring together people who like speaking up and explore ways that they can make a difference and help build confidence, connections and skills.
The Research Engagement Network 2 (REN2) project seeks to establish a health, wellbeing and care participation function and resource for Herefordshire. This interim report provides an overview of the Phase 1 REN2 activities and presents the findings from the focus groups involved, emphasizing the value and importance of co-production and public participation.
Healthwatch Herefordshire were commissioned by Taurus Healthcare in May 2024 to carry out a 6-week public consultation on a proposed change to the urgent out of hours GP service in regards to moving the service to a new location in Autumn 2024. This report details the findings of that consultation.
Welcome to this year's Annual Report for 2023-2024 which provides an overview of our work and highlights some of our key projects and the impact of our work over the past year.
ADHD is a disorder that is defined through analysis of behaviour. People with ADHD show a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with day-to-day functioning and/or development.
We spoke to 18 individuals about their ADHD journey and 5 parents about their child's ADHD journey, looking at the wider impacts it has had on the individuals and their family.
Together with Mencap, Healthwatch Herefordshire identified a need for those with a learning disability to have a bigger say in what matters to them. We also identified a need for the development of a larger pool of people with learning disabilities for services to consult with.