1. Report -

    In 2020 Healthwatch spoke to 172 people about their experience of falls and their understanding of measures to prevent them. We also gathered views about their feelings on social isolation.
  2. Report -

    We published 4 reports about health and care services, provided 89 people with reliable advice and information and had a reach of 311,389 across social media channels.
  3. Report -

    We published 8 reports, provided 143 residents with reliable advice and information and listened to the experiences of 35 people through our Feedback Centre.
  4. Report -

    We published 4 reports about the improvements people would like to see to health and social care services, set up the Herefordshire Community Partnership, gained a reach of 252,900 across social media channels, and provided 188 people with information and advice.
  5. Report -

    In partnership with a local primary care network and GP’s, we listened to people's experiences of growing older in Herefordshire.
  6. Report -

    In 2022-23, we engaged with 1,695 people providing information, advice or gathering views on accessing health and care services.
  7. Report -

    Our quarter 3 Quarterly Report spans Oct - Dec'23.